

kenting boutique hotel

Intend to travel to Taiwan but now the hotel has not set down, the evening with friends in the chat when I gave a friend told me to go to Taiwan tourism thing, friends listened to my story would say now this time travel to Taiwan very good, hear my friends that I will tell my friends about that for now travel to Taiwan less people to go, friends heard me say that I asked the hotel arrangement is not good, I will tell the Hotel Friends I haven’t decided yet, friends hear I say let me to book the Kenting Boutique Hotel, said she last order is Kenting boutique hotel said that the hotel is good quite, hear my friends say that I’m going to go find out.

freight forwarding service

Recently one of my friends is done in the freight forwarding service and this paragraph of time often, in the friend inside to see some information from his, often see some of what domestic and international cargo agent class, the day just to see his hair that information when I thought of, some time ago to buy a electric I the next worry how to give it to my parents home to home, well, he is just doing freight forwarding service, so I gave him a call, second days I went to the electrical appliance to send him go, did not expect that the past few days ah. The morning when my parents called me to say I post things have already received, and very complete.

laser printer

Go today when they store file copy, suddenly found that their laser printer for new, I asked, how to change the new laser printer ah, before that laser printer is not a good thing, they looked at me and smiled, I said, how, why they laugh ah. Say that laser printer or laser printer before they use the ah, not for the new, that was two days before they go about machine maintenance, so now looks like a new one, I said this is the original ah, I thought it was a new laser printer, just remember the last time copy files, copy or very good without a





台北 太陽餅

我這次回家的時候給媽媽買了些台北 太陽餅,因為媽媽好久都沒有吃到我給買的正宗的台北 太陽餅了,所以我拿回去的是時候媽媽特別的高興,還誇我孝順呢,於是我就趕緊給媽媽打開,因為我買的都是剛剛出爐的台北 太陽餅, 所以還是熱的呢,媽媽還說是味道都沒有變呢,我看著媽媽吃很高興,正在媽媽吃的正香的時候,爸爸從工地回來了,他乾了一天活也累了,肚子也餓了,於是我就趕緊給爸爸嘴裡餵了一個台北 太陽餅,爸爸還說我知道疼他呢。





One piece 海賊王

One piece 海賊王一直都是很熱門的動漫,就算是不了解動漫的人也應該都聽過One piece 海賊王,因為實在是太有名了。不過One piece 海賊王的畫風實在是有點太誇張了,很多人一開始都是有點接受不了的,不過看久了也就習慣了。One piece 海賊王的劇情設計的真的是很好,非常吸引人,還有很多讓人很感動的地方,主人公之間的友情真的是感人至深,很多人都羨慕他們的友情。這部動漫給很多人都帶來了正能量,還在不斷感染更多的人,我也會一直支持下去的。