inkjet printer
My last company bought the inkjet printer company’s colleagues said that is good, but the our corporation now scale is more and more, I can see that on this one inkjet printer sometimes is not enough, so I thought, as I went to the shop last time I bought inkjet printer. To our company to buy two inkjet printer back well, anyway, the inkjet printer evaluation of all of the last time I bought a pretty good. But I didn’t think I was going to I originally bought the inkjet printer which learning assistant told me what type of inkjet printer bought too fast today, no deposit, want it to a predetermined. No way, I can only give us a predetermined two sets of inkjet printer.
property investment
A friend invited me to do property investment business with him, but I’m a little worried, after all, he had not previously done property investment business. So far is to do some small business, low risk investment business, but if you do property investment, high production costs, but also earn much, so I still have a lingering fear, if lost what, my wife can’t bear it. So I told my friend that I go home and discuss it with my wife, and if she did have objections, I will do property investment and his partner. Friends say is good! ~ wait for my good news, for home after I gave my wife said this, his wife was said to be supporting me, also hope I can do a great cause. I am very happy, immediately give my friend a phone call.
就說嘛這段時間閨蜜忙什麽呢一天都不知道給我打一個電話,有時候我給她打個電話,她還忙的都沒時間接,原來是去做理財了。去做理財也不至於 這么忙吧,今天 我見到她的時候我才知道她是去做理財了,以前的時候我可從來都沒有聽她說過有關於理財的事情,也沒有人說過是自己想去做一個理財的,這怎麼突然就去做理財了。後事我和閨蜜我們還坐在一起聊了一下,
kamen rider
To see a very good cartoons on TV yesterday, the name is Kamen rider. Mother smiled at me this big still watch cartoons. I never feel like watching cartoons is the patent of children, adults also can see. Kamen Rider saying it is justice story, to see who will be the positive energy of the infection, I think the children will see some positive work, adults with watching the better. I have always liked the excellent animation works, also put a lot of work to others, today and found a Kamen Rider, recently this time and some looked. Recently Kamen Rider or feeling of a fire, many places have bought in Kamen Rider toys.